I'm always on the lookout for new typefaces (not to be confused with font) to add to Fountainhead, as well as for my own personal use.

One typeface that I recently came across is OpenDyslexic, a typeface created to increase readability for those which dyslexia (btw, this post is displayed in OpenDyslexic). While I doubt it will help everyone with dyslexia, I've asked a few dyslexic friends to try it out, and they said it made reading a little easier.

For my own projects, I use Source Code Pro (which I first encountered when using Adobe's text editor, Brackets). Brackets is great when dealing with web design, but I still find Sublime Text the best overall text editor (especially since I can add to its functionality using Python).

Got a typeface that you think is better than Source Code Pro or OpenDyslexic? Let me know and I'll try it out (unless it costs a king's ransom).